These videos are licensed by Creative Commons for Attribution.
Please credit the author appropriately, and let us know if you use these ideas or have any feedback on them.
Thanks to Robyn Gulliver who filmed and edited most of the videos in the first two series, and to our fearless RAs and volunteers since then!
Please credit the author appropriately, and let us know if you use these ideas or have any feedback on them.
Thanks to Robyn Gulliver who filmed and edited most of the videos in the first two series, and to our fearless RAs and volunteers since then!
How To Create Change Using Learnings from Social Psychology (Series 1: Release April, 2021)

- Episode 1: How to convince people to act
- Episode 2: How to build trust
- Episode 3: How to have meaningful conversations
- Episode 4: How to empower people to act
- Episode 5: How to talk to bored people
- Episode 6: How to talk to angry people
- Episode 7: How to talk to people who aren't sure
- Playlist of all Series 1 episodes in order
The Social Psychology of Collective Action (Series 2: Release August 2021)

- Series 2, Episode 1: Introduction to Series 2
- Episode 2: Why do people protest? - Martijn van Zomeren
- Episode 3: What is successful collective action?
- Episode 4: What is empowerment? - John Drury
- Episode 5: How can groups build empowerment? - John Drury
- Episode 6: Why do people drop out of protest?
- Episode 7: How protest changes after failure
- Episode 8: Moderate collective action at the centre
- Episode 9: Radicalisation and deradicalisation Part 1 - Individuals / Lone Wolves
- Episode 9: Radicalisation and deradicalisation Part 2 - Groups
- Episode 10: The psychology of mutual radicalisation
- Episode 11: Four types of deradicalisation
- Playlist with all the Series 2 episodes in order
From violence to peace: What do we know? (September 2022)

- Series 3, Episode 1: What is group violence?
- Episode 2: What is peace?
- Episode 3: What are peace practices?: Peace-keeping
- Episode 4: What are peace practices?: Peace-building
- Episode 5: What do we know about peace?
- Postscript: Drawing Together the Lessons for Peace Today
- Playlist with all the Series 3 episodes in order.
The Routledge Handbook of Environmental Movements (September 2022)

- Series 4, Episode 1: Environmental Movements Worldwide
- Episode 2: Environmental Movements in Western Europe
- Episode 3: Rhapsody in Green; Environmental movements in East Central Europe
- Episode 4 (Part 1): The ‘Tar Wars’ and Climate Justice Activism in North America
- Episode 4 (Part 2): The ‘Tar Wars’ and Climate Justice Activism in North America
- Episode 5: Geographies of Latin American Social-Environmental Movements
- Episode 6 (Part 1): Environmental Movements in Asia
- Episode 6 (Part 2): Environmental Movements in Asia
- Episode 7: Middle East and North Africa; Civil society and environmental activism in the Arab world
- Episode 8: African Environmental Movements
- Episode 9: Rising Tides and Dirty Coal; The environmental movement in Oceania
- Episode 10: Environmental Conservation
- Episode 11: Anti-Nuclear Movements in the US, Europe, and Asia
- Episode 12: Extractivism in the Americas’ Indigenous
- Episode 13: Climate Change Movements in the Global North
- Episode 14: Animal Rights and Anti-Speciesism
- Episode 15: Political Consumerism and Food Activism
- Episode 16: Environmental Justice and Climate Change
- Episode 17: Indigenous Movements
- Episode 18: Environmental Movements and Their Political Context
- Episode 19: Mobilizing Environmental Experts and Expertise
- Episode 20: From Environmental (Movement) Organisations to the Organising of Environmental Collective Action
- Episode 21: Environmental and Animal Oriented Radicalization
- Episode 22: New Forms of Environmental Movement Institutionalization
- Episode 23: Commercialization
- Episode 24: Social Class and Environmental Movements
- Episode 25: Political Values and Socialization in Environmental Movements
- Episode 26: Social Networks and Recruitment for Environmental Movements
- Episode 27 (Part 1): Framing Environmental Issues
- Episode 27 (Part 2): Framing Environmental Issues
- Episode 28: Gender and Environmental Movements
- Episode 29: Environmental Activism and Everyday Life
- Episode 30: Policy and Legislative Outcomes of Environmental Movements
- Episode 31 (Part 1): The Influence of Environmental Movements on Public Opinion and Attitudes
- Episode 31 (Part 2): The Influence of Environmental Movements on Public Opinion and Attitudes
- Episode 32: Environmental Movements and Scientific, Technological, and Industrial
- Episode 33 (Part 1): Biographical Consequences of Environmental Activism
- Episode 33 (Part 2): Biographical Consequences of Environmental Activism
- Episode 34 (Part 1): Youth and Environmental Activism
- Episode 34 (Part 2): Youth and Environmental Activism
- Episode 35: Environmental Movements and Digital Media
- Episode 36: Green Democracy
- Episode 37: Neoliberalism and Socio-Environmental Movements in the Aftermath of the 2008 Financial Crash
- Episode 38: The Future of Environmental Movements
- Episode 39: Lessons Learned Regarding Making A Video Series Like This
- Playlist with all the Series 4 episodes in order.
Human Rights Series (January 2024)
- Episode 01: What are Human Rights?
- Episode 02: The Human Rights Framework in Australia
- Episode 03: Why do we need State and Federal Rights?
- Episode 04: A Charter of Human Rights: Why don't we have one?
- Episode 05: Different categories of Human rights
- Episode 06: Are Human Rights Eroding in Australia?
- Episode 07: Why are they eroding and can we push back?
- Episode 08: How can we understand Human Rights Psychologically?
- Episode 09: Why do we need Human Rights?
- Playlist with all the episodes in order.
Standalone Videos

- 5 Best Practices to Sustain Groups Over Time - Dr. Maria Fernandes-Jesus (Recorded July 2021)
- How can people deal with climate distress? - Dr. Susie Burke (August 2021)
- Is a Rights-Based Approach to Climate Action Viable? – Ariana Athy Prof. Taciano Milfont (February 2022)
- How do people moralise their political attitudes - and why does it matter? - Chantal D'Amore (October 2022)
- Indigenous Peoples' Movement and Climate Change in Indonesia: The Struggle to Protect Human Rights and Sustainable Livelihoods – James V. Riker (December 2023)
Political and Environmental Psychology and Social Sciences Seminar Series

- Gender Inclusion and Equity in Academia - Prof. Jolanda Jetten, Prof. Michelle Ryan, Prof. Naomi Ellemers, Prof. Marit Kragt (October 2022)
- Why People Do and Don't Protect Nature - Prof. Kelly Fielding, Dr. Lily van Eeden, Prof. Hugh Possingham, Prof. Taciano Milfont (November 2022)
- The boundary between free speech and hate speech - Prof. Winnifred Louis, Prof. Kath Gelber, Prof. Michal Bilewicz (March 2023)
- Achieving World Peace – what we know and what we don’t know - Prof. Winnifred Louis, Prof. Diane Bretherton, Prof. Alexander Bellamy (April 2023)
- Countering Science Misinformation - A case study of the Great Barrier Reef - Dr Alicia Kennedy, Dr John Cook, Prof. Winnifred Louis, Dr Tracy Schultz (May 2023)
- The Dynamics of State Capture - What we know and what we don't know [Video: 1:26:07] - Dr Rebecca Colvin, Prof. Daniel Nyberg, Prof. Winnifred Louis, Dr Christoph Klebl. (August 18)
- Weight Stigma in Health Policy and Practice [Video: 59:37] - Dr Briony. Hill, Prof John Dixon, Dr Joanne Rathbone. (Sept 15)
- Theory of Change: Practical reflections from an environmental scientist's perspective. [Video: 1:29:38] - Prof. lain Walker (Chair), Ashley Sparrow, Dr Lucy Richardson (Nov 17)
- Perspectives on Violent and Non-Violent Resistance Strategies. [Video: 1:31:31] - Prof. Winnifred Louis (Co-Chair), Dr Hema Preya Selvanathan (Co-Chair), Prof. Stellan Vinthagen, Dr Robin Gulliver. (March 15)
- Behaviour change and system change: Friend, foe, or folly? [Video: 1:30:59] - Prof. Winnifred Louis (Chair), Prof. Liam Smith, Dr Mitzi Bolton. (April 19)
- Democratic transitions: What we know and what we don't know [Video: 1:31:46] - Prof. Winnifred Louis (Chair), Dr Chris Klebl (Co-Chair), Prof. Fathali M. Moghaddam, Prof. Edward Aspinall (May 2024)
- Making big money work for the climate transition. [Video: 1:27:44] - Dr Chris Klebl (Chair), A/Prof. Saphira Rekker, Brett Morgan (August 16)
- The psychological, social, and structural challenges of climate action. [Video: 1:13:17] - Dr Li Tay (Chair), Dr Zoe Leviston, Professor Sharon Friel. (August 29)
- Mobilising Change: Insights into building individual & collective support for climate action. [Video: 1:29:12] - Professor Iain Walker, Professor Wendy Steele, Tony Milne. (October 18)
- What counts as legitimate democratic participation by young people in democracies? [Video: 1:30:12] - Charlie Pittaway, Prof Winnifred Louis, A/Prof Sarah Moulds, Edward Krutsch. (November 15)
Visit the Voices for Reconciliation page – interviews with Indigenous psychologists and others working for Reconciliation
Visit the Social Change Blog
Visit the Psychology of Change YouTube Channel - or watch the intro video.