We freely share the following statistical guides, macros, advice, and other teaching and learning resources. Copy and use any and all of these as you see fit, and please credit the author appropriately (Winnifred Louis, unless otherwise specified).
JAMOVI | Power | Regression | Mediation | Moderation | ANOVA | More Stats | Advice
JAMOVI | Power | Regression | Mediation | Moderation | ANOVA | More Stats | Advice
Statistical resources
- Example write-ups and data in JAMOVI for most analyses at the undergraduate level in psychology (including correlations, t-tests, ANOVAs, and regression) are available here.
Power Analyses
- Power analyses: conceptual overview and intro to Gpower3; some general rules for postgrads
- Writing up power analyses: some general rules for postgrads
Standard multiple regression
Mediation in multiple regression
- WIMP, an interactive mediation excel file
- Mediation worknotes
- Mediation workshop files (July 2009)
- You may also like to refer to Natalie Loxton's useful Instructions for tests of a single mediator using bootstrapping and instructions for tests of multiple mediators using bootstrapping. You will also need to download the Preacher macro, as Natalie's instructions make clear. You can also check out Natalie's instructions on Moderated Mediation Using PROCESS; these will be more useful if you already know what moderated mediation is. Natalie also has kindly provided an example write-up.
Moderation in multiple regression
- WIP, an interaction plotting program for simple slopes
- Moderation workshop files (July 2009)
- Moderation worknotes (August 2018) - incls syntax for simple slopes for various permutations like 3-ways with 1 categorical IV, etc..
Standard ANOVA (one- and two-way)
Higher order ANOVA
- Basic ANOVA worknotes
- ANOVA workshop files (July 2009)
Higher order ANOVA
- Higher-order interactions in ANOVA worknotes
- Higher-order ANOVA workshop files (July 2009)
Other statistics
- Structural Equation Modeling with AMOS
- Meta-analysis excel macro: a simple excel file to allow you to do meta-analyses of correlations
- Meta-analysis in R: an introductory guide
Additional Resources
Psychological Research Methods Workbook
- This book presents activities and exercises to consolidate your understanding of topics in factorial analysis of variance (ANOVA) and multiple regression.
- Access the book here
Advice for students
Should you come to class?
Getting started in research
Other advice
- Value of attending stats class (data from PSYC3010 in 2005 and 2006)
- Predicting Performance in PSYC3122 (data from semester 1, 2009)
- Video of Winnifred talking about this data
Getting started in research
Other advice
- How to collaborate: advice on academic collaborations - pitfalls, authorship, some good practices, etc.
- Making Connections: 10 networking tips for newbies, shy folk, and the socially awkward presentation (Author: Cassandra Chapman)
- 5 tips for blogging about research presentation (Author: Cassandra Chapman)
- Mentoring about mentoring: Wise words on supervising and advising PhD/RHD students, for academics.
- List of references for teaching about Indigenous Australians in Psychology (needs updating, if you want to work with me on this!)
- Adapting to crises (video): 12 minutes of riffing in response to COVID19, with broader applicability.
- How to review a paper - a great piece by René Bekkers which both gives useful tips for early career reviewers and will help students writing papers to understand the process.
- How to have policy impact - the distilled wisdom of Kelly Fielding, Eleanor Wertheim, and James Liu on the complex challenges of policy impact, starting from data vs from the debate, how to design research for impact, and advice for early career scholars and for seniors.